Monday, October 5, 2009

What do you think?

Since I had plenty of "at home time" this weekend, I was determined to finally take the time design a new background, fix my new logo, and customize coloring for my site. Let me know what you think... (Be honest. I was worried that my bubbles in the background may look like pills, so the site "family formula" would have an entirely different meaning, LOL! I may make them molecules instead...  I am also unsure about the outside border.  I wanted blue with a pop of yellow, but things are looking pretty bright.)

By the way, some of you have grab buttons with the html code to go with them. How do I get this on mine? (I have the button.) Thanks a bunch. (New "real" post coming later today.)


  1. I like the bright vivid colors! The blog just jumps off the screen :)

  2. Love how cheery it is!!! Great job on the redesign!

  3. no, I like how bright it is, the bubbles don't look like pills!

    and go to this MBC memebers blog, she makes buttons...

  4. i like it..its cheery and bright. Nice work!

  5. WooHoo!! Very bright and attention getting. I like it! I wish I had a button, too.


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