Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Text and a tune

I have resigned myself to posting only about once a week, and even though I’m not happy about it, I’m dead tired-I think I have some form of insomnia where you can get to sleep but not stay asleep. I am wide-awake every morning at 4 AM (and have been for the past four days), and since I cut out all caffeine a year ago, my energy level is waning by eight o’clock. In fact, I am fighting to keep my eyes from closing as I try to type this up!

I thought I would ease into a better night’s sleep by doing two things I love-a little bit of creative writing (something that Septembermom over at My Voice My View does weekly) and listening to one of my favorite bands. The writing comes from a post idea called Microfiction Monday found at the Stony River blog. You are to look at a selected picture and write a story about it with 140 characters or less, and this includes all punctuation and spaces. I write like I speak, so I had a hard time with this- I kept telling myself (with every re-write) to paint a picture with my words, and I think the result isn’t half bad (tell me what you think).

Sadie sat motionless, captivated by the blueness of the water. The ocean purred around her, coaxing her body and mind to relax. Finally at peace, she made her decision.

And my tune for the evening is by one of my favorite bands of all time-Journey-and the song-Faithfully. I’m hoping Steve Perry's beautiful voice will lull me off into a nice batch of REM sleep. (I'm just loving that 80's hair!) Sweet dreams everybody!


  1. I think you wrote a terrific scenario for that picture. I hope your sleep issues sort out soon. Sleeplessness is no joke. Its effects ripple into all areas of your life.

  2. Susan, I'm so happy that you jumped on the creative bandwagon with me doing a Microfiction. It's terrific. I love all that you were able to get said in those few lines. I hope you keep writing these microfictions. I can tell that you're good at it. Love Journey too!! Have a great week. Hope to chat with you again soon :)

  3. Hope you are able to catch up on that sleep!!!

  4. I love what you came up with for the photo and I'm dying to know about her decision. ;)

    I'm up at 4am but only by choice. I'm sorry you're having trouble sleeping!

  5. I am having trouble sleeping lately too.That's why I feel tried especially last three days. Ugh! xo

  6. I think you and I have the exact same taste in music. I always love everything you post. Journey is one of my favorite too. I hope you are catching up on sleep.

  7. DG, MOTPG, and Septembermom-thanks for the vote of confidence.

    DG-I'm playing catch up with sleep, but I feel better today.

    Septembermom, I don't know about another one. I guess it will have to depend on the picture and my mood...

    Nancy, I slept in this morning and feel much better today.

  8. Microfiction Monday is a cool idea! And I heart Journey!


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