Thursday, April 7, 2011

It's sheer danger on this Book Blurb Friday!


If you are new to my blog, it's Book Blurb Friday! Lisa Ricard Claro, from Writing in the Buff, posts a picture meant to serve as a fictional book cover. It's your job to write a blurb about the book in 150 words or less to entice a prospective reader.

I almost couldn't wait to write tonight's post-as soon as I looked at the picture, my mind headed down the cobble stone alleyway and landed in the mysterious world of secret agents and undercover activities. What a way to end a week! Well, here is this week's picture and my story:

The Road Ends in Rome

Stacy pushed past all the shoppers and tourists and headed quickly to an alleyway to meet her informant. It might be nice to actually tour Rome, she thought wryly to herself, instead of chasing down another lead concerning her missing partner.

The buildings seemed to close in around her, making Stacy feel somewhat claustrophobic, but swallowing hard she quickened her step, her heals eerily echoing off the flagstone street. She strained to see the shadowy figure against a back wall. The man was lean, with a definite stockiness about him, and she could see glimpses of his baldhead beneath his comb-over-yes, she was sure this was Italian spy Rodolfo Siviero.

But as Stacy made her way into the shadows, a second man she hadn’t noticed stopped in front of her and turned around. Their eyes met, and before he signaled the others, Stacy knew it was a set-up. (148 words)

What do you think?  This was another close one at 148 words, but I actually had to add more to get the count up-hmm... I'm usually more wordy. I can't wait to see your stories!


  1. That was great! I'm never wordy, which is part of my problem. Haven't quite gotten the knack of this yet.

  2. Susan, this is GREAT! We both thought of Italy. I love your blurb, and really like the part with the description of the man (a younger Donald Trump?). And the set up. And Stacy's feelings. You really know how to write! :>)

  3. Fabulous blurb. It seems everyone is going for the sinister angle today! I would read this book.

    Book Blurb Friday

  4. This is terrific! I love that the first paragraph tells me the set-up, and you left me a great hook at the end. I want to know how Stacy gets out of this stew you've put her in!

  5. Susan, I thought I posted a comment last night ... maybe it didn't take. I really enjoy you story and love all the details. That bald-headed comb over reminds me of Donald Trump!

    Kathy M.

  6. I love the names and the tension you built up in such a short space. And yet another person who thought it was a cobblestone street. I had decided it wasn't so I scrapped by first concept. Maybe I don't know what cobblestones look like! : )

  7. Hi Susan

    This has all the makings of a fine thriller. Great set up and a real cliff hanger of a hook. Great stuff!


  8. I'd buy it just for the name "Rodolfo Siviero." In spite of Rodolfo's comb-over, that blurb sounds dangerously sharp as a blade. Exciting!

  9. Susan, I want to turn the page! Another great one to get the reader caught up in the story. Well done!

  10. Oh, she is so brave, following a dark ally to find her partner! Good premise for a satisfying read. Thanks for your nice comments on my BBF today.


  11. oh nice setup! I want to know what follows and how she saves herself. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  12. Stacy is in big trouble - hope she makes it out of this nasty situation and finds her missing partner. Ooh, shivers . . .

  13. Susan,
    It has been a busy weekend. I am impressed with your micro fiction. Sheesh, that was a cliffhanger.

  14. Susan, would love to exchange emails. Believe in yourself and your talent. If you can deal with high schoolers, you can accept rejection and rejoice at publication. I would be glad to offer suggestions.


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