Monday, May 30, 2011
An exhausting weekend (and a little Succinctly Yours!)
It would have been nice for my daughter to have finished well at the end of the season, but after scratching her last home meet in April due to a very lengthy flu bug, it was touch or go on whether she would even attempt regionals this year. She just wasn't strong enough to do her dismount off the beam or her back handsprings without a spotter-her body needed to rest. She finally went back to practice this month, and since she was able to do her routines, we decided to book our room.
I'm just glad we were able to spend some quality family time this weekend because regionals were pretty disappointing for her-she worked so hard this past month, and as a parent all you want to do is make everything better, but nothing you say seems good enough-in my eyes, my daughter is a hero!
Unfortunately things seem to be going from bad to worse-it looks like my daughter has caught another stomach virus, because she started getting sick this evening! (Keep your fingers crossed that we all get throught this because I'm feeling a little queasy myself, and I can't miss tomorrow or this week-it's finals week for seniors, and senior awards night is tomorrow...)
I'll write a little more about this weekend later in the week, but right now it's time for Succinctly Yours, another writing meme that piggy backs on the idea of Susan of the Stony River Blog. Grandma Goulash posts a picture and you are to write a 140 character or word story about it. You can also use the word of the day in your post if you wish. This week's word is glisten. Here is the picture and my story:
The thief grabbed the old woman’s purse but crime wouldn't pay today-Petrobras nabbed the bad guy, returned the purse, and became a hero. (137 characters)
I was still thinking about heros when I saw tonight's picture so I went with it. I can't wait to come around and see what everyone else saw!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Almost worry free (and Book Blurb Friday)
My husband and I thought that it looked bigger, then we were sure it was, and then my son was complaining that it hurt. The pediatrician said that it needed to be looked at by a plastic surgeon, but the practice she recommended said they couldn't see us until the end of June! Meanwhile, this thing got bigger and now redder and another visit to the doctor finally got us seen by a plastic surgeon a couple weeks ago.
The surgeon was sure it was a cyst that got infected, but he couldn't operate until the infection was taken care of first, so my son walked around with a giant bandaid on his face for another ten days until the swelling and redness subsided, and he was operated on Wednesday morning. (They had to put him to sleep and I was worried sick, but all went well and his face, even with the small bandage and stitches, looks so much better!) Did I mention that we are heading to New Jersey for my daughter's state meet this weekend? What timing, huh?
But I come into tonight's Book Blurb Friday feeling pretty good. This is where Lisa Ricard Claro, from Writing in the Buff, posts a picture meant to serve as a fictional book cover.
It's your job to write a blurb about the book in 150 words or less to entice a prospective reader. Are you up to the challenge?
Here is this week's picture and my story:
The weather reports promised plenty of snow for Kathy’s ski vacation, but the trip was for singles, and Kathy’s sister had made the reservation-without asking. Still, a weeklong stay at a luxurious ski lodge didn’t seem like such a sacrifice, so she agreed to go.
An avid skier, Kathy checked into Boulder Lodge and lost no time hitting the slopes…or another skier. She hadn’t seen Paul pick himself up from a nasty fall until it was too late, and he would end up back in the snow again.
The pair hit it off immediately, (almost literally) and spent the rest of the day together, but Paul said he had an important appointment elsewhere that evening, and subsequent evenings, and he always returned at daybreak.
Was Paul married? Kathy decides to find out before things get serious, but maybe knowing everything isn’t always a good thing… (146 words without the title.)
I was first thinking I would take this story to the dark side, but I mentioned it to my husband and he wondered why I couldn't do a "nice" story. So, I thought about it, started writing, and I ended up with a story that could go either way. But, it's after 11 and morning comes quickly, so I'll stop by your blogs tomorrow!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Rush! (And Succinctly Yours)
The next couple of weeks are going to be worse with a flurry of activities and deadlines at home and work, and I'm going to be a basket-case! We will be in Wildwood, NJ Saturday through Monday for gymnastics regionals, the students in my classes are finishing up final projects and then we start preparing for written finals, and for some reason my husband and I got conned into an end of the school year party for my son the first weekend in June!
It's going to be crazy around here...But am I the only one feeling like this? What's going on at your house as you head into summer?
Thankfully writing relaxes me, body and soul, and it's time for Succinctly Yours, another writing meme that piggy backs on the idea of Susan of the Stony River Blog. Grandma Goulash posts a picture and you are to write a 140 character or word story about it. You can also use the word of the day in your post if you wish. This week's word is kink. Here it the picture and my story:
Mary’s internal struggle was intense-she was attracted to the Duke, but the man was a known philanderer, and her heart was worth protecting. (140 on the dot!)
Well, I have a load of wash to finish up before bed, but I can't wait to see your takes on the picture!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
A sad goodbye (and Book Blurb Friday)
This has been a pretty miserable week what with the almost continual rain and the death of a much-loved colleague. This particular teacher had taught for nearly 50 years, passing up retirement to continue to do what loved best, teach.
His students adored him and his avant-garde approach to teaching biology. Teachers gravitated toward him because of his positive outlook and sense of humor. Ever the performer, he could always make light of a situation and get you laughing before dealing with anything serious-I will miss our talks.
He was everybody’s grandfather, a lover of Kerry Blue terriers, an ever-fixed mark, and the halls of our school will never be the same. Goodbye Mr. Kistler.
Sorry to be such a downer this evening-the only good thing is that it's time for Book Blurb Friday This is where Lisa Ricard Claro, from Writing in the Buff, posts a picture meant to serve as a fictional book cover. It's your job to write a blurb about the book in 150 words or less to entice a prospective reader. Are you up to the challenge?
Here is this week's picture and my story:
Nola hadn’t been to the old house since the funeral, but there were some personal things of her mother’s she didn’t want strangers handling, and there wasn’t much time before the movers arrived.
She quickly headed upstairs to her mother’s bedroom, and walking over to the dresser, she lightly fingered the intricate carvings of her mother’s hairbrush. An uncontrollable urge came over her and she began to brush her hair.
Memories came flooding back along with the tears, but Nora continued to brush, mesmerized by her image in the gilded mirror before her. And with every brush stroke, the mirror began to glow.
Shaking, Nora reached out and all at once found herself in a room surrounded by what looked like very detailed statues. A golden horn lay glowing at her feet, and picking it up she placed it against her lips and blew-slowly the statues began to move… (149 words, not including the title)
I hope you enjoyed the little fantasy twist to tonight's blurb. I can tell you that I reworked it several times trying to get it under that 150 word limit-I just had so much I wanted to say with this one.
The weatherman says it will dry out this weekend, and I am looking forward to a little sun and reading your stories over the next couple days!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
What a weekend...(and Succinctly Yours)
My daughter bunked with me because I thought we had similar sleeping patterns-let's just say that there's usually not a lot of movement from either of us and we don’t snore (as far as I can tell.) Well, I don’t know what got into my daughter, but every time she turned my way her legs and arms were flailing about, and I got kicked and smacked in the head several times! I spent the whole night fighting her off but gave up around 3 am, and both Saturday and Sunday morning I woke up with a leg on my back, so I AM TIRED!
I can finally relax with the Sunday night meme Succinctly Yours, another writing meme that piggy backs on the idea of Susan of the Stony River Blog. Grandma Goulash posts a picture and you are to write a 140 character or word story about it. You can also use the word of the day in your post if you wish. This week's word is tempt. What a hard picture this week! Here it is and my story:
Jim could see the world through the lens of his camera but he was blind to the problems in his life with Mary-until it was too late. (And a meager 132 characters!)
I'm curious about how everyone else saw this photo because it took me a while to compose tonight's story. See you soon!
Friday, May 13, 2011
Just a little more time (and Book Blurb Friday)
My son celebrates his first communion Saturday, and I sit here wondering just where the time has gone. I can still picture him as a baby (man was he cute, bald as a cue ball, chubby little face), and all those firsts. Like when he finally said the word yes and when he took his first steps (he was in no hurry since his sister did most of his talking and retrieving for him). I still remember the doctor saying not to be in a rush with the potty training, hinting that my son was going to take his sweet time with this-and he was right!
Now as I ready his blue suit, shine his black dress shoes, and find where I put his new tie, I’m nervous-I’m not exactly ready for the new stages coming up with my son just as I’m unsure of my future with a soon to be teen daughter. I’m also sad tonight as I look at my son’s face and still see my little baby boy looking back at me. He still has that little boy look, and I wish time would just slow down, even if it’s just a little bit, then maybe I could get ready…
Speaking of time, it’s Book Blurb Friday. Lisa Ricard Claro, from Writing in the Buff, posts a picture meant to serve as a fictional book cover. It's your job to write a blurb about the book in 150 words or less to entice a prospective reader. Are you up to the challenge?
Blogger was down almost all day yesterday and I didn't know what to do with myself, but I was glad to see that Lisa was able to post for tonight. Here is this week's picture and my story:
Dana lived a life others envied-a chauffer to drive her anywhere, maids to pick up after her, and an expense account that knew no limits. She got what she wanted when she wanted it, and her future plans revolved around nothing more than what nightclub she would head to that evening, or that new pair of shoes she wanted to purchase.
So when her friend Lizbeth suggested they hop on a plane and head to Australia there was no hesitation. And when a man touting a weeklong 4WD tour of Simpson Desert approached Dana in a Queensland nightclub, a little beer and a little brawn were all it took to win her over.
But Dana’s wealth speaks volumes to those in need-there’s no telling what someone might do if a prize like her comes rolling into town, and that quick trip to the desert may be her last. (148 words without the title)
Can't wait to get some "time" to swing by your blogs and read your stories!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's Day Greatness (and Succinctly Yours)
I have to laugh at one of my daughter's gifts. She made me coupons, complete with "rules" governing their use, and five of the ten I can use as many times as I want. (Woo hoo!) I looked over the list and there are things like hugs(that's a repeater, although I had to stipulate that this meant hugs when I want them-my son has been throwing himself at me since I chose this!), sending the kids outside (definite repeater coupon), silent time, computer time, being able to pick the movie title, dinner out, etc. I must say that I love how this girl thinks!
Gifts, cleaning without begging, and the thought that I had something to do with these two wonderful people... What could be better? Maybe a beach vacation and temperatures in the eighties, but I'm not complaining. What did all of you do for Mother's Day?
Now it's time for Succinctly Yours, another writing meme that piggy backs on the idea of Susan of the Stony River Blog. Grandma Goulash posts a picture each Monday and you are to write a 140 character or word story about it. You can also use the word of the day in your post if you wish. This week's word is aquatic. Here's this week's picture and my story:
When I was little I watched cows grazing in that field. Now the field is home to piles of limestone, and bulldozers are doing the grazing.(138 characters)
Just a little depressing for such a nice day I know, but this picture hits close to home. Can't wait to head over to your blogs too!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
A little late night swim for Book Blurb Friday
What do you think of when you look at a picture? Have you ever thought about of putting those thoughts down on paper and maybe taking it one step further? Well, you're in luck because it's Book Blurb Friday once again!
Lisa Ricard Claro, from Writing in the Buff, posts a picture meant to serve as a fictional book cover. It's your job to write a blurb about the book in 150 words or less to entice a prospective reader. Are you up to the challenge?
For some reason my thoughts went to magic and curses when I looked at this week's photo, so instead of fighting it I went for it. Here is this week's photo and my blurb:
Land by Day, Water by Night
Laura dove into the magic waters and all at once she could feel her legs withering away and her tail taking their place. With her fingers now webbed she propelled herself forward, gliding effortlessly among the reeds, loving how the coolness pulsated through her as she swam.
Every seven days Laura must enter the water at midnight and swim until dawn-the morning sun would break the curse and she would return back to her human form, that is until another seven days passed, and then the cycle would repeat all over again. She had gambled with a sorcerer to save the life of her sister, and now she was paying the price.
Laura didn't think she could ever be free. If anyone knew her plight, or saw her during her nightly swim, the curse would engulf her, making her a permanent resident at the bottom of the lake. (149 words, phew!)
Well, I need to do some work for tomorrow so I better stop stalling. Can't wait to see what everyone else wrote!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
A little rain and a little writing
Things were so bad on the roadways Friday that several teachers and students couldn't make it into school on time-roadways were flooded and impassible, and we were even preparing for an emergency drill just in case conditions got worse. Thankfully they didn't, and things dried up Friday and into Saturday, but temperatures dropped back down and rain headed our way again today. I'm pretty disappointed because I enjoy spring, but when the weather is like this, I just want to curl up and stay in. Unfortunately, the kids don't feel the same, and there is quite a bit of arguing when you have bored kids... Has it been this way everywhere, or is Pennsylvania the only state turning into a big pile of mud?
Thankfully I can occupy my time with some memes like Succinctly Yours. This is another writing meme that piggy backs on the idea of Susan of the Stony River Blog. Grandma Goulash posts a picture Sunday night and you are to write a 140 character or word story about it. And as an additional challenge, you can use the word of the day in your post. This week's word is invade. Here's this week's picture and my story:
Henry pushed at the two-headed mural, watching the receding wall expose the narrow passage leading to the gang's hideout. He moved forward. (Right on with 140 characters)
So what do you think-about the story and the rain? I think I'll hum a bit of "Rain, rain, go away...," and hopefully swim on by your blogs tomorrow...