Hi everyone! Yes, I took a long hiatus and didn't really explain why. Now it's time for the explanation... I did something I wanted to do for a long time-I completed my first novel.
I began toying with the idea more seriously over a year ago when a friend of mine said that if anyone could write a book, I could. That got me thinking-why not me? I had a few ideas in the old noggin that were dying to see the light of day, and I officially started Easter of 2011.
Finding the time and energy was tough, especially with two kids and a full time job. I wrote in the evening when the kids went to bed, and quite a few times I saw the clock strike 2 AM. (Multiply that by the fact that I get up during the school year at 5:30 AM and you can imagine how tired I was some days...)
I gave myself a deadline to finish knowing my tendencies toward procrastination. I also clocked my WIP on my blog, tallying my word counts as I worked. I thought 80,000 words was a good goal until I read that most YA fantasies are minimum 100,000 words and up, so I kept pushing on after the 80,000 marker. It's a funny thing though-another 20,000 words didn't seem like a big deal anymore.
I didn't quite make my 12-month goal, but I did finish near the end of May. At least I thought I was finished... I forgot about the rewrites. The story went a different way than I originally planned, and now all the beginning chapters needed to match up with the ending. Then I didn't like my beginning anymore and added another chapter I felt was more exciting than my original chapter one.
I should have taken a step back and put the thing away for a couple weeks instead of working on ideas for book two and contacting agents. Everything I read on the Internet said the manuscript needed to be fantastic not just "good, but I knew better.
I learned how to write a query letter and after a few drafts, had what I thought was a winner. Since seven is my lucky number, I queried seven agents and waited. Two weeks later, the very first agent I queried asked for 30 pages. I was ecstatic! But did I do a simple spell check on my manuscript? Well no-I'm a teacher, help in the lit lab, and run the morning news show, and I can spot mistakes, right? Well, you would think so...
After I converted the pages to Times New Roman (I write in Courier New)and uploaded them on literary agent's company server, I went back and reread what I sent. I literally felt sick-I counted 11 errors in those 30 pages! Most were typos (I mistyped one of my character's names several times!), there were three misspellings (Herbane seeds instead of Henbane), and one word used incorrectly.
My family tried to console me, but I knew that many errors could kill my chances, especially if the story still needed work-and it did! I contacted the agency after a couple weeks of worrying, and the agency secretary told me that it would be no problem if I resent my revised copy-she would delete the older version. Unfortunately, I had not checked my e-mail from the day before, and there was the turn down from this particular agent.
Of the seven agents I queried, I got four not interested responses, one interested and then not interested response, and three have yet to contact me. But I took a week to examine my manuscript-not with the eyes of an author, but with a marketing perspective. Here is some of what I found:
- Head hopping-changing point of views sometimes in the same scene. I now have only one point of view per scene, and sometimes per chapter.
- I was aiming at the YA marked yet my main character starts off at age nine (he grows up, but I read YA readers don't like to read about anyone much younger than they are, and my 13 year old is proof!)This character is now 12.
- And speaking of main character, I have two main protagonists and two antagonists, but all were vying for the spotlight. The end result-it wasn't clear whom the reader should root for. Since the story is in omniscient point of view (the reason for my problem with head hopping) I had to take a step back and rewrite to give more emphasis on my younger character.
- Some chapters needed to go! After doing a rough outline of all my chapters, and I had 28, I noticed that at least one of those chapters was a bunch of fluff. It didn't do what the others were doing, and that is lead to the final climax, so out it came. (I have my eye on one other but I kept it for now.)
- And one more thing...take a break from you MS from time to time. Believe me, it will give you a fresh perspective!
Keep after it. My BF secured an agent in about a year of querying. She took his first book, and then he wrote another which she also took. Both of those books secured separate publishing contracts last week! So it does happen!!!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so proud of you Susan, keep it up! It's very brave to put yourself out there but you never know unless you do. And just look at how much you've learned. As for the spelling mistakes, don't feel bad. I'm reading, The Hidden Universe by Brian Greene, the physicist.
ReplyDeleteI noticed an error where he used 'then' when 'than' was appropriate. He and the editor missed it! That's a mistake I make all the time so I felt like a genius when I caught it ; )
Liz, It's good to hear that persistence pays off in the end! I can't keep my hands off my ms now-I keep toying with it just a bit. Glad to see you again :)
ReplyDeleteMOTPG, Brave...yes, this was the hardest thing I have done. And spelling? I think my brain is fried because I almost spelled persistence in Liz's comment wrong! Live and learn right? LOL!
woo hoo
ReplyDeleteThanks Suz!